All News News

A Blue & White Night Raises Funds for JA Support

A signature fundraising event offered by the Jackson Academy Association (JAA), the parent organization of the school, was held Saturday evening at The Country Club of Jackson. Guests
enjoyed beautifully presented hors d’oeuvres, live music, and fellowship.

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Honor Council Shares Academic Integrity Guidance

The Upper School Honor Council spoke to ninth grade English classes about plagiarism and how to prevent cases of academic dishonesty this month. Members shared about the importance of academic integrity and introduced various ways to protect student work.

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Annalee Willson Named Heisman High School Winner for JA

Senior Annalee Willson received notification last week that she was named a school winner for the 2021 Heisman High School Program. Presented by Acceptance Insurance, the program honors hundreds of the nation’s most accomplished, community-minded high school senior athletes each year. 

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