Middle School News

Middle School Valentine’s Bible Study

On Valentine’s Day, seventh and eighth-grade girls came together for Bible study discussions about friendships and more. The Bible study was led by the Middle School literature teacher Shelle Pinkard. The girls talked about their Middle School days. 

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Learning about the Lungs

Ashley Adcock’s fifth-grade science students learned about the respiratory system and how air moves through the lungs. Students had a week full of related activities.

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SOAR Director Encourages Childlike Faith

SOAR Director Dean Arnold spoke to this morning’s Upper and Middle School Chapel about childlike faith. Arnold referred to Matthew 18:1-4, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

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2022 Art Competition Winners

JA student artists submitted their work to the 2022 Art Competition. Winners were recognized Sunday, October 16 in the Performing Arts Center. Fifty-four pieces of amazing talent, creativity, and imagination were submitted.

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