Middle School News

Second Quarter Honor Rolls 2021-2022

Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Abby Arnett, Barton Boyll, Fowler Boyll, Kathleen Bronzi, Anna Claire Bush, Sarah Carnathan, Gibson Cheney, Jalia Coins, Caroline Courtney, Gunner Cress, Caroline Crisler, Kendrick Davis, Rachel Beth Deaton, Ridley Dehmer, Wilson Eatherly, Regan Felder, Matthew Frost, Tye Gardner, Connor Gee, George Giddens, Sandon Guild, Samuel Hadley, Logan Huff, Anthony Jasinski, […]

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First Quarter Honor Rolls 2021-2022

Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Abigail Addison, Abby Arnett, Anna Claire Bush, Sarah Carnathan, Elizabeth Castle, Gibson Cheney, Joseph Ciaccio, Jalia Coins, Caroline Courtney, Gunner Cress, Kendrick Davis, Rachel Beth Deaton, Wilson Eatherly, Regan Felder, Matthew Frost, Cade Gadman, Tye Gardner, Connor Gee, George Giddens, Sandon Guild, Samuel Hadley, Logan Huff, Anthony Jasinski, Maggie Koury, […]

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Professional Development Enhances Educational Experience for Everyone

Jackson Academy invests in professional development throughout its academic divisions, supporting and inspiring teachers to explore innovative teaching methods and provide the priceless gifts of attention and compassion to their students. Sixth grade English teacher Mallory Gnemi was appointed to serve as the Middle School’s professional development coordinator for 2021-2022.

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Seventh Graders Study in World’s Biggest Classroom

Last Friday, 65 seventh graders faced canoes and kayaks down the Okatoma river and pushed off on an adventure. After an early departure from campus and an hour and a half long bus ride, the students were eager to study in the biggest classroom in the world – the great outdoors.

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Fifth and Sixth Grade Cafes Open for National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, a time to read, listen to, and practice writing in this distinct literary style. In fifth and sixth grade English classes, Grace Simmons and Mallory Gnemi taught poetry’s characteristic elements, forms, and genres throughout the month, and shared their enthusiasm, too. To mark the end of April, fifth and sixth grade English classes celebrated by creating a Poetry Cafe! The fifth graders took turns stepping onto the PAC stage by class and reading a selection of poems and definitions aloud before enjoying some sweets. Sixth-grade students sipped coffee and nibbled cookies while taking turns reading from the biographies and writings of poets they enjoyed learning about – some even shared original poetry!

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Different Approaches Lead to Success in Ropes Course

“Be encouraging, trustworthy, safe, and have tons of fun,” was the advice of eight-grader Ellen Morgan. Her entire class had just experienced JA’s new Ropes Facility Course at Ashleigh Park. The course is within the school’s Raider Park complex.

Following an orientation Friday morning, eighth-grade students were divided into groups. Forty-five participated in initiative games while three groups of 15 students each began the team-building course. Students rotated through both initiative games and team-building before their lunch break.

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2020-2021 Third Quarter Honor Rolls

Academy Honor Roll Twelfth Grade Drew Antici, Thomas Arnold, Simms Baker, Paul Bautista, Parker Bracken, Emmy Brown, Nicholas Bryan, Mackenzie Coburn, Gracie Coe, Emma Collums, Julianna Copeland, Ava Couey, Ava Crawford, Jenna Daly, Locke Danley, McNeill Dinkins, Coleman Dinkins, Mary Grace Downs, Meredith Fielder, Gus Gordon, Caroline Graven, Phoebe Guinn, Caroline Harrington, Sophie Hays, Avery […]

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