Upper School News

Pack the House for Theatre Performance of Original Work

Jackson Academy theatre students are experiencing a unique opportunity this school year. Students debuted an original one-act play, “We Shall by Morning,” written by JA’s Director of Theatre Arts Kerri Sanders. They have performed the play at various competitions receiving rave reviews and numerous awards. Finally, this Friday, the play will be filmed by Thaxton Studios.

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Bestselling Author Speaks at JA About Defying the Odds

Reggie D. Ford attended an independent high school similar to Jackson Academy in Nashville, graduating in 2009. Now a motivational speaker, bestselling author, and wealth management advisor, the 31-year-old Vanderbilt graduate is recognized among young innovators on the rise. 

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SOAR Director Shares Home Buying Advice

Last Tuesday, SOAR Director Dean Arnold spoke to the Upper School finance class about buying a home. The finance class is taught by Upper School Librarian Bronwyn Burford. Burford’s finance class studies the housing market, debt-income ratios, insurance, and taxes.

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Quiz Bowl Team Victorious

Congratulations to our Quiz Bowl team that won first place in the Mississippi College Academic Competition from among 20 teams! Their score of 395 to 330 against East Rankin Academy in the finals round Thursday secured the championship. 

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Winterfest Court Members Honored

Jackson Academy’s annual Winterfest was held Friday, January 6. The celebrations included dress up days for the Upper School, breakfast with the court members and families, an informal court presentation at break, a formal court presentation at the Raider Dome Friday evening, and the Winterfest Bow Tie Ball at Bridlewood of Madison.

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An Alpha and Omega Christmas Celebration

Alpha and Omega buddies, dressed in their holiday pajamas, chatted about their Christmas break plans over milk and cookies. After their sweet treats, buddies moved into the PAC to watch “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.”

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SOAR Director Encourages Childlike Faith

SOAR Director Dean Arnold spoke to this morning’s Upper and Middle School Chapel about childlike faith. Arnold referred to Matthew 18:1-4, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

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