Upper School News

Student-Led Retreat Grows Faith and Friendship

“The reality of obedience is this; it’s less of God saying, ‘Don’t do that,’ and it’s more of God saying, ‘Will you trust me?” Last weekend, Hamilton Harper, Student Pastor at Cornerstone Church in Athens, Alabama, and Christ United Methodist Church’s worship band led 161 attendees and 65 student-leaders to focus on the idea of living fearlessly out of the knowledge that God always has a plan to provide for and protect His children. Throughout the weekend, students spent time in small groups led by upperclassmen and enjoyed several recreational activities, including a Western-themed line dance, basketball, and an eating competition.

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National Merit Commends Reese Anderson

Congratulations to senior Reese Anderson on her commendation from the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program! Reese is among 34,000 Commended Students throughout the nation recognized for their exceptional academic promise. In the 2018 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, Reese placed among the top 50,000 scorers in a pool of 1.5 million competitors.

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JA Band Brings Home Trophies

On Saturday the traveling and rehearsals all came together on the field of Linn-Mar High School, where JA’s band received fourth place overall against eight other bands. With one competition behind them, the group rode down the road to Marion High School where they won first place band and first place colorguard! Congratulations to the band, and welcome back from a wonderfully full and memorable trip!

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College Fair Draws Universities Nationwide

More than 50 colleges and universities were represented at the college fair, which is presented each year by our Counseling Office to catalyze students’ search for the college that they will attend. Jackson Academy Upper School students in grades ten through eleven attended the fair to gather information about schools that they are interested in, and learn more about colleges that they may not have previously considered.

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Chapel Services Give Students Space for Spiritual Growth

Chapels have been considered places of sanctuary for millions of people since the Christian faith inspired their construction. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the school year, our Performing Arts Center and occasionally our gymnasiums become places of sanctuary from the rush of the school year as students gather to learn more about God. Last week, the Upper, Middle, and Lower Schools all held their first chapel meetings of the year.

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